3 videos found
46:28Don't miss this IQP Masterpiece | Karpov vs Kasparov | Intermediate Level | IM Alex AstanehDon't miss this IQP Masterpiece | Karpov vs Kasparov | Intermediate Level | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediate06:03How to play with or against an isolated pawn #2 The Q+2R vs Q+2R endgameHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #2 The Q+2R vs Q+2R endgameBlitzStreamadvanced06:34How to play with or against an isolated pawn #3 an easy example of the d4-d5 breakthroughHow to play with or against an isolated pawn #3 an easy example of the d4-d5 breakthroughBlitzStreamadvanced