94 videos found
12:00Losing the Queen with a Fork - Typical Beginner Mistake | Lichess Livestream | IM Andrey OstrovskiyLosing the Queen with a Fork - Typical Beginner Mistake | Lichess Livestream | IM Andrey OstrovskiyChessfactorbeginner10:44When you have to trade Pieces, do it to your own Advantage | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehWhen you have to trade Pieces, do it to your own Advantage | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediate08:42Interesting Sacrifice against the Advanced Central Pawns | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehInteresting Sacrifice against the Advanced Central Pawns | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediate15:08With Space Advantage against the Budapest Gambit | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehWith Space Advantage against the Budapest Gambit | Lichess Livestream | IM Alex AstanehChessfactorintermediate