Crush the Caro-Kann - Chess Openings Explained
Jonathan SchrantzOpeningCaro-kannJonathan Schrantz shows how to play the classical line of the Caro-Kann Defence. See three games where white successfully crushed it. You'll never be confounded by 1. e4 c6 ever again.
Gata Kamsky vs Yasser Seirawan, US Championship (2012): B19 Caro-Kann, classical, Spassky variation
Sergey Karjakin vs Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, FIDE Grand Prix Zug (2013): B19 Caro-Kann, classical, Spassky variation
Ernesto Inarkiev vs Rui Wang, Chinese Team Championship (2015): B19 Caro-Kann, classical, Spassky variation
09:26Learn the Caro-Kann Defense | 10-Minute Chess OpeningsLearn the Caro-Kann Defense | 10-Minute Chess OpeningsLevy Rozman (GothamChess)beginner34:27How to CRUSH with the Caro-Kann!How to CRUSH with the Caro-Kann!Levy Rozman (GothamChess)beginner53:05Crush everyone below 1500 using this openingCrush everyone below 1500 using this openingIM Alex Banzeaintermediate26:37Hikaru Teaches the Caro-KannHikaru Teaches the Caro-KannHikaru Nakamuraadvanced65:12The simplified Caro-Kann is virtually unstoppableThe simplified Caro-Kann is virtually unstoppableIM Alex Banzeabeginner10:02Chess Openings: Caro KannChess Openings: Caro Kannthechesswebsiteintermediate20:17Caro-Kann Defense (introduction, main variations & ideas) ⎸Chess OpeningsCaro-Kann Defense (introduction, main variations & ideas) ⎸Chess OpeningsStjepan Tomic (Hanging Pawns)intermediate57:17Punish common beginner mistakes | Caro-Kann Rating ClimbPunish common beginner mistakes | Caro-Kann Rating ClimbIM Alex Banzeaintermediate12:31Chess Openings: Caro-Kann DefenceChess Openings: Caro-Kann DefenceDereque Kelleyintermediate