The Stonewall Attack - Part 2 - Zuckertort
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In part 2 of this 4 part series on the best chess openings for beginners, FM Will Stewart reviews a few Black set-ups that could cause problems for White. The first segment of the video covers a very aggressive Black move order with a rapid d5, c5, and Nc6 - tending to result in a Reversed Queen Gambit type position.
Will recommends that White does not stubbornly continue with the Stonewall Attack against this set-up, but rather adapts the plan towards grabbing the c5 pawn and trying to hold on to it.
Variations covered begin with 1. d4 d5 2. e3 c5, where the recommended reply is 3. c3. Next, you'll learn how to respond to a couple of Black responses, namely 3...cxd4 which transposes into an exchange Caro-Kann, and 3...Nc6.
In the second half of this video, Will goes over the King's Indian Defense and how White should adapt to this scheme for the Black pieces. The King's Indian Defense is quite a popular chess opening - it was often played by Bobby Fischer, for example - and you may come across it regularly, so it's good to know what the plan is here.
After 1. d4 Nf6, it is simply unreasonable to play the Stonewall Attack against the King's Indian, as Black will inevitably achieve the e5 break and a very comfortable position in the center of the board. Moreover, the kingside fianchetto in this opening is extremely difficult to attack head-on - thus White needs to change plans with an open mind against the King's Indian Defense.
Will's recommendation is to play the Blackburne-Zukertort Opening, which involves a similar pawn structure with the inclusion of a queenside fianchetto to combat the long a1-h8 diagonal.
It’s a reliable chess opening for White players who want to go for a win!
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