Hungarian Defense | Italian game Theory
The Hungarian Defense is a common way for “lazy” players with black to avoid the main line theory of the Italian.
That way they avoid the Giuoco Piano, the Knight Attack, and all the other theory-heavy variations.
There is a good reason why the theory of the opening isn’t as well developed – it’s simply not as good for black as the main lines.
I have found that in absolutely every variation (unless white willingly chooses to risk), white is able to get a comfortable edge out of the opening.
The move Be7 just doesn’t pose enough of a challenge to white’s attacking pieces. White will either have a lead in development, a space advantage, attacking prospects, or a combination of the three.
I have been “put out of book” by the Hungarian myself, and I have prepared the opening perfectly since. If you know what you’re doing, it’s a very safe opening for white, and black will not be able to equalize unless white makes a very bad mistake.
All in all, as black you could play it every now and then. It’s not bad, it just isn’t the optimal response to the Italian. And, as white, you have to learn how to punish the slow play by black.