Legal’s Trap | Winning Opening Trap for White | Chess Opening Tricks and Traps to Win Fast
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The Legal Trap or Blackburne Trap, which is also known as Legal Pseudo-Sacrifice and Legal’s Mate, is a chess opening trap, characterized by a queen sacrifice followed by checkmate with minor pieces if black accepts the sacrifice. The trap is named after the French player Sire de Legal (1702–1792). Joseph Henry Blackburne (1841–1924), a British master and one of the world's top five players in the later part of the 19th century, set the trap on many occasions.
The Legal Trap is one of the most popular opening traps and arises out of the Italian Game or the Philidor Defense. In this chess opening trick, white is sacrificing his queen in order to checkmate black’s king in the first few moves. For many chess players, the opening stage is the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess traps, tricks, tips, chess strategies and ideas that you can use to fool your opponent. Knowing these chess tricks and traps will help you to win more chess games.
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[Date "2019"]
[Annotator"Alex Astaneh"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 d6 (3... Bc5) (3... Nf6) 4. Nc3 Bg4 (4... Be7) (4...
Nf6 5. Ng5) 5. h3 Bh5 (5... Bxf3 6. Qxf3) 6. Nxe5 Bxd1 (6... dxe5 7. Qxh5) (6...
Nxe5 7. Qxh5 Nxc4 8. Qb5+ Qd7 9. Qxc4) 7. Bxf7+ Ke7 8. Nd5# 1-0
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