King’s Gambit Declined | Classical Variation | Mainlines, Plans & Strategies | Chess Openings
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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is covering the Classical Variation in the King's Gambit Declined. The main focus of this video is to show you the main strategies and plans for both sides in the different variations.
The King's Gambit starts with the moves:
1.e4 e5 2.f4
White has several options here. One of the options is the Classical Variation which can be reached after 2…Bc5
Black develops his dark-squared bishop and occupies the a7-g1 diagonal which is weak due to white’s move 2.f4. It also controls the d4-square and prevents white from pushing his d-pawn with d2-d4.
White has several options here:
0:48 3.fxe5
2:28 3.Nf3
Black’s move 3…d6. White has several options here:
2:58 4.d4
3:58 4.Bc4
4:50 4.c3
Black’s move 4…Nf6. After 5.d4 exd4 6.cxd4 Bb6
5:56 7.e5
7:52 7.Nc3
Black’s move 7…0-0. White has several moves:
8:11 8.Bd3
13:35 8.e5
After 8…dxe5 9.fxe5 Re8.
White has the following options:
16:47 10.Bg5
24:18 10.Be2
As a general conclusion: The Classical Variation starts slowly but then may quickly escalate. If white plays the line with 4.c3 followed by 5.d4, it may give black really good chances to grab the initiative. But black should be ready to play a minor piece down, actually sacrificing the material. For white it’s better to avoid all this, because these are all unnecessary complications and it’s much better to switch to the Vienna line, which is like the King’s Gambit, slightly different but the spirit of the opening is more or less the same.
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