Queen's Gambit Declined | Mainlines, Plans & Strategies | Mainlines with 5.Bf4 | Chess Openings
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The Queen's Gambit is one of the oldest and most popular openings in chess and is played by many of the top chess players in the world. White is fighting in a very ambitious way for central squares, in particular for the e4-square. Therefore, he is trying to get rid of black’s d5-pawn in order to have better control over the e4-square.
In this video of the series, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is covering the main variations, in particular the variations after 5.Bf4 in the Queen’s Gambit Declined. Black does not capture on c4 and tends to play a bit more closed position. In the Queen’s Gambit Declined, black’s main idea behind the move 2…e6 is to protect the pawn on d5 and to overprotect this very important central point. The main focus of this video is on the main strategies and plans for both sides in the different variations. If you are interested in the old mainline with the bishop on the g5-square (5.Bg5), we will have a separate video which is mainly covering this major option.
The Queen’s Gambit Declined is characterized by the moves:
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6
White has several options here. The main continuations are 3.Nf3 and 3.Nc3. In this video we will focus on the variations after the move 3.Nc3. White is not in a rush to protect the c4-Pawn because if black captures on c4, white can immediately occupy the center.
Black has several options here. The main variations covered in the video are:
1:32 Queen’s Gambit Declined: 3…c5, Tarrasch Defense
2:02 White’s move 4.cxd5.
After the moves 4…exd5 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.g3 Nf6 7.Bg2 Be7 8. 0-0 0-0
White has the following options:
4:01 9.dxc5
5:05 9.Bg5
7:54 Queen’s Gambit Declined: 3…Nf6, Mainline
8:28 White’s move 4.Nf3
Black has the following options:
8:40 Black’s move 4…c5, Improved Tarrasch Defense
15:40 Black’s move 4…Be7, Three Knights Variation
White’s move 5.Bf4, Harrwitz Attack
After 5…0-0 6.e3
17:09 Black’s move: 6…c5
24:21 Black’s move 6…Nbd7
Note: In this video we going to cover mainly the move 5.Bf4, the Harrwitz Attack. The old mainline with the bishop on the g5-square (4.Bg5 or 5.Bg5) will be covered in a separate video.
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