What are Good and Bad Bishops? - Beginner to Chess Master #23
This is video #23 from the "Beginner to Chess Master" playlist. What makes a bishop good or bad? The pawns! The concept of good and bad bishops, is in my opinion the most important strategic idea in the game. Your understanding of this concept will help you determine what piece exchanges are desirable, and you can begin to formulate a good middlegame strategy based around it. Make the wrong type of exchange, and you may be ultimately giving your opponent the superior minor piece! The term "zugzwang" is defined in this video.
Beginner to Chess Master Playlist:
I'm a self-taught National Master in chess out of Pennsylvania, USA who was introduced to the game by my father in 1988 at the age of 8. The purpose of this channel is to share my knowledge of chess to help others improve their game. I enjoy continuing to improve my understanding of this great game, albeit slowly. Consider subscribing here on YouTube for frequent content, and/or connecting via any or all of the below social medias. Your support is greatly appreciated. Take care, bye. :)
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