Halosar Trap | Sneaky Opening Trap for White | Chess Opening Tricks and Traps to Win Fast
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In this video, IM Alex Astaneh is going to show you the Halosar Trap. This trap arises from a chess opening which is very popular at the club level and that’s the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. The opening is for many players the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess opening tricks, traps, strategies, moves and ideas that you can use to win more games. In the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, white is sacrificing his pawn on e4. The most ambitious line for white, the Ryder Gambit, places the white queen on f3 and sacrifices another pawn on the d4-square. If black captures this pawn, we are entering the territory of the Halosar trap. This opening trick is characterized by various motives and ideas where white is able to checkmate the black king in the first few moves, with the so-called smothered mate, or just to win material such as black’s queen. Knowing opening traps will not only help you to improve your understanding of chess openings in general but also can be fun and makes it possible to win more chess games against higher-rated players.
*** There is a move missing in the video at 6:58. The correct move sequence would be to play first the in-between move with 1.Rxd8+ Kxd8 and afterwards 2.Qxb4, instead of immediately capturing on b4 with the queen, 1.Qxb4 as shown in the video. ***
[Event "Opening Traps - Halosar Trap"]
[Site "www.chessfactor.com"]
[Annotator "Alex Astaneh"]
1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe4 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. f3 exf3 5. Qxf3 (5. Nxf3) 5... Qxd4 6. Be3 Qb4
(6... Qg4 7. Qf2 e5) 7. O-O-O! Bg4?? (7... c6) 8. Nb5!! Na6 (8... Bxf3 9. Nxc7#)
(8... Nbd7 9. Qxb7 Qe4 (9... Rb8 10. Qxb8+ Nxb8 11. Nxc7#) 10. Qxe4 Nxe4 11.
Nxc7+ (11. Rd4)) 9. Qxb7 Rb8 (9... Bxd1 10. Qxa8+ Kd7 11. Nxa7) 10. Qxb8+ Nxb8
11. Nxc7# 1-0
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