Opposite Colored Bishops Endgames | Endgame Strategy | Intermediate Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
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In this series about bishop endgames, you will learn how to play endgames with opposite and same colored bishops. These two types of endgames will be covered in detail based on practical examples which often appear in chess games. Not only will you learn different techniques and methods on how to win these endgames with bishops and pawns, but also techniques on how to hold a draw, like the so called “Fortress” in case you are down in material.
In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy will teach you the basic theory of opposite colored bishop endgames.
In many cases, opposite colored bishop endgames tend to be drawish. The main reason is that the bishops do not get in contact with each other.
Positions with only one pawn for the stronger side (Bishop + Pawn vs Bishop) end often in a draw. For the stronger side, there is no way to make progress. For the side without the pawn, it is important to cover a square between the pawn and the promotion square, in order to hold the draw. The bishop will then sacrifice himself for the pawn.
Two extra pawns for the stronger side: In case one side has a doubled pawn, it usually ends in a draw, however the defending side has to play it very accurately. The side with the two pawns has to avoid that the opponent king blockades the pawns. Therefore, it is a good idea to use the bishop and the king to block the possible ways for the opposing king. Instead, for the side without the pawns, it is a good method to blockade the pawn on the way and since we have opposite colored bishops, the king remains there and it will end in a draw.
King + Bishop + 2 single Pawns (2 files between the Pawns):
The pawns are not doubled and far from each other. This kind of situation/ position is very good for the stronger side because for the weaker side it is hard to coordinate his pieces in a way to hold the position drawish. The plan for the stronger side is usually to bring the king to the pawn, which is currently stopped by the bishop, and to support the promotion of this pawn.
King + Bishop + 2 single Pawns (2 files between the Pawns, however one Pawn is on the Rook-file):
The problem of this situation is that the pawn is on the edge of the board. It is also important that the stronger side has the bishop on the color of the promotion square.
King + Bishop + 2 doubled Pawns: In order to hold a draw there are two methods:
1. Method: To activate the king (active king) and to blockade and attack the passed pawns.
2. Method: To pin the opponent’s king to protect his own pawns.
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