Understanding "The Square of the Pawn" Rule | Endgame Lesson | Beginner Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
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Many chess players underestimate the meaning of the endgame and think that it is more important to be good in the opening and middlegame stage. However, many chess games rarely end in the opening or middlegame phase, which is why a basic understanding of king and pawn endgames is very important. In this series, you will learn basic principles and techniques in the endgame, in particular in king and pawn endgames.
In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy, will show you "The Square of the Pawn" rule which is especially important for beginner players.
The rule of the square simplifies the understanding of different cases and gives us the chance to evaluate the position quickly without calculating the whole line from the very beginning till the very end. However, in some cases it can be tricky and you have to understand the rule.
In king and pawn endgames there are two different cases where a pawn can be promoted. They are: With and without the help of the king.
In the initial position of the pawn, the rule of the square does not necessarily works out due to the fact that the pawn can move two squares in the initial position. Therefore, if the pawn is on the second rank (7th rank) then you have to sketch the square in a different way to avoid this pity trick.
When the pawn is on the d-file, in which direction should the square of the pawn be sketched? The direction is always towards your opponent’s king.
Exceptions: What happens to the rule if there are obstacles on the way (natural limitations = your own pawns and your opponent’s pawns which can limit squares for your king) - Then the rule does not work any more! That means: You have to consider concrete features of the position.
Connected passed Pawns:
These pawns can’t be captured – If you take one pawn the other will move forward and promote. That means the connected passed pawns give you enough time to bring the king nearby.
Separated pawns with only one file in between them:
They can protect each other very well. If the king attacks one of them, the other pawn simply moves forward.
Separated Pawns with three files between them:
In this case, we have to sketch the mutual square of the two pawns. If this mutual square reaches the first or back rank, it depends with which colour you play, then these pawns promote automatically without the king.
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