Queen's Gambit Accepted | Mainlines with 3.Nf3, Plans & Strategies | 2D Reupload
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In the third video of the series, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is covering the 3.Nf3 variation in the Queen’s Gambit Accepted. The main idea of the move 3.Nf3 is to control the e5-square. In the previous video, we have seen that in other variations, black can counterattack the center with the pawn move 3...e5. Therefore, the move 3.Nf3 has the main purpose to prevent the counterattack. The main focus is here on the main strategies and plans for both sides in the different lines.
After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.Nf3
Black has several options here. The main variations covered in the video are:
0:51 Queen’s Gambit Accepted: 3…b5, Slav Gambit
2:02 Queen’s Gambit Accepted: 3…a6, Alekhine Defense
4:09 Queen’s Gambit Accepted: 3…Nf6, Deferred Variation
After the moves 3…Nf6 4.e3 e6 5.Bxc4 a6 6.0-0
8:17 Black’s move: 6…b5 7.Bd3
10:04 Black’s move: 6…c5, Classical, Main line
White has the following options:
10:38 White’s move: 7.dxc5
10:47 7…Bxc5, Furman Variation
12:42 7…Qxd1
15:23 White’s move: 7.a4, Rubinstein Variation
19:06 White’s move: 7. Bb3
In the vast majority of cases in the Queen’s Gambit Accepted we deal with isolated pawn positions with an isolated pawn either on d4 or d5. The pawn is a static weakness and might be a problem in the endgame stage. At the same time, it offers dynamic strength in the middlegame and better central control. Therefore, it is important that every chess player who wants to play the Queen’s Gambit Accepted is also familiar with the classical strategic patterns such as isolated pawns and how to play with and against them.
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