Two Knights Variation of the Caro-Kann (B11) ⎸Chess Openings
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The Two Knights Variation is a very good alternative to the main line for white. Players with black have to be well prepared to meet it properly.
If you are unfamiliar with the opening principles of the Caro-Kann Defense watch this video on the basics:
I was often employed by players such as Bobby Fischer, or, more recently, Ian Nepomniachtchi. It requires a lot of theoretical preparation, but it offers great attacking opportunities for both sides.
The position occurs after the opening moves:
1. e4 c6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nf3
From this position, black can play three moves:
3…Bg4 – This is the main line of the Two Knights Caro-Kann. Black is pinning the knight and provoking the following sequence:
4. h3 Bxf3
5. Qxf3 – In this position black is ready to close his pawn triangle with the move 5…e6. He now got rid of his “bad” light squared bishop and has a solid central structure in exchange for white being a tempo up. After 5…e6 the main line starts. White can continue with four moves:
6.d3 – The main move, slow but solid. Black is equal.
6.d4 – The most aggressive continuation, striking in the center and gaining space.
6.g3 – White is preparing to fianchetto the ksB, but it can often backfire if the h1-a8 diagonal closes down.
6.Be2 – A passive continuation for white, it doesn’t give enough opening advantage.
Alternatives to 3…Bg4 (the main line) for black are:
3…dxe4 – This line is slightly dubious for black. White stands slightly better if he plays well.
3…Nf6 – A very good line for black, which most players with white aren’t prepared for.
For alternatives to the Two Knights Variations watch these videos:
The Advance Variation:
The Panov-Botvinnik Attack:
The Exchange Variation:
The Fantasy Variation:
The Karpov Variation: