Steinitz Variation of the Classical French (C11) ⎸Chess Openings
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The Steinitz Variation is one of the most common lines in the Classical French Defense and it offers great chances to both sides and often produces exciting, attacking games.
Learn the basics of the French Defense, common variations & ideas for both sides in this introductory video:
The Exchange French:
The Tarrasch French:
The Winawer Variation:
The Rubinstein Variation:
The Steinitz Variation starts after the moves:
1.e4 e6
2.d4 d5
3.Nc3 Nf6
4.e5 – This is the move which signifies the Steinitz Variation of the Classical French. With e5, white is chasing the knight away and gaining space in the center, but he is also giving black two clear pawn breaks in the position because this is now the “French Defense pawn structure”, in which black has to aim for c5 and f6. This means that in all lines of the Steinitz black is going to advance on the queenside and white on the kingside. After black plays 4…Nfd7, the only move, white really only has one optimal option:
5.f4 – Expanding on the kingside immediately. There is another congenial move, the so called Shirov–Anand Variation, which needs to be explored separately, which is the move 5.Nce2. This move is preparing the move c3, defending d4 with a pawn, and it’s also adding support to the move f4, strengthening whites kingside attack. The problem with this variation is that white is losing too much time and thus giving up his opening advantage. But let’s focus on the main line with 5.f4. After this move the variation continues with:
6.Nf3 Nc6
7.Be3 – Here black has to choose between four main options, and this is where the Steinitz French branches out. Black’s options are:
06:00 7…a6
11:45 7…cxd4
16:43 7…Be7
20:25 7…Qb6
He could also try 7…Rb8 or 7…b6, but these are slightly dubious. Explore them as a surprise weapon.