The Evans Gambit | Italian Game Theory
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The Evans Gambit remains one of the most feared weapons in the e4 players’ repertoire. A brutal and aggressive opening gambit which is sure to result in exciting middlegame battles!
The opening branches out of the ironically named Giuoco Piano (“the slow game”), one of the two main responses to the Italian Game by black. Once black develops his bishop to c5, copying white’s last move, white strikes it immediately with b4! Trying to force the bishop to accept the gambit and move away from the critical diagonal.
If you are unfamiliar with the basics of the Italian Game, watch this introductory video first:
Black has two responses, either to decline or to accept the pawn sacrifice. White is giving up a pawn, which makes this opening “unsound” in comparison to the normal lines in the Giuoco Piano, but… White is seldom left without attacking prospects and often has more than enough compensation for the pawn.
After black captures the b4 pawn, white forces the bishop further away with c3. Here the Evans Gambit Branches out. Black has five main responses, and all of them are fine:
26:33 5...Ba5
6...d6 Bronstein Defense
6...exd4 Pierce Defense
7...Bb6 Lasker Defense was for a long time considered to mean the end of the gambit, until the modern 20th century theory proved that white is fine after all
22:10 5...Bd6 Stone-Ware Variation
19:40 5...Bc5 McDonnel Defense
13:05 5...Be7 Anderssen Variation is what Anand had used in one of the most famous Evans Gambit triumphs in history (Kasparov vs Anan 1995)
09:27 5...Bf8 Mayet Defense
05:50 4...Bb6 Evans Gambit Declined
All of the variations are covered in depth in the video. Use the timings next to their names to switch between them.
The Evans Gambit should not be neglected neither by e4 players nor by e5 players. If not prepared properly, the player with the black pieces could find himself in a world of pain in a matter of moves. The theory on the opening is vast when compared to some other gambits. Take the Evans seriously and good luck!
#chess #italiangame #giuocopiano