Winawer Variation of the French Defense (C15-C19) ⎸Chess Openings
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The Winawer Variation is the most aggressive way for black to play the French Defense, and it will most often lead to extremely interesting attacking positions.
Learn the basics of the French Defense (common plans, traps and ideas) in this video:
Study the Tarrasch French:
A simple way to fight the French – the Exchange Variation:
The Winawer French occurs after the moves:
1.e4 e6
2.d4 d5
3.Nc3 (entering the Classical or the Paulsen French)
3…Bb4 – This is the start of the Winawer Variation (the second most common move for black is 3…Nf6 – the Classical French)
White has several ways to confront the Winawer. The most common and the most sensible continuation is:
4.e5; advancing in the center, gaining space and activating as much as possible as soon as possible. This move is also trying to probe that Bb4 was an inaccurate move and that the bishop is now misplaced.
Black will commonly continue with 4…c5, immediately seeking counter play on the queenside and striking through white’s strong center. This line will most often lead to the poisoned pawn variation which is also known as the main line.
Instead of c5, the main move, on move 4 black could also try:
4... c5
5. a3 (main line)
An example of the Retreat Variation (when after a3 black doesn’t take on c3 but plays Ba5) Nakamura vs Akobian 2018 US Championship
5. Bd2 (Bogoljubov Variation)
4... Ne7 – This move can lead to very interesting positions white is rarely comfortable with. The resulting subtle differences can often mislead white into blundering early on.
4... b6
The sidelines for white on move 4 are:
4. exd5 (delayed exchange)
4. Ne2 (Alekhine-Maroczy Gambit)
4. a3 (Winckelmann-Riemer Gambit)
4. Bd3
4. Bd2 (the Fingerslip variation)
Player’s whose games you should study are Richard Rapport, Varuzhan Akobian and Simon Williams (GingerGM). There are, of course, older masters who were well versed in the French Winawer, but these three are the biggest names who play the French today.