The Elephant Trap | Queen Sacrifice in the Queen's Gambit | 2D Reupload
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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is sharing with you a common opening trap known as the Elephant Trap which arises out of the Queen’s Gambit Declined. White is putting pressure on black’s d5-pawn and is trying to win the pawn in a popular variation of the Queen’s gambit.
However, Black is prepared and is setting up the elephant trap by developing his knight from b8 to the d7-square. At first glance, this move looks like a blunder by black, but he has set a sneaky trap which wins a full piece and the game. Many amateur players have fallen for this simple trap and captured the d5-pawn with the knight. Black can simply re-capture on d5, temporarily sacrificing his queen, but can win the white queen back with a forced continuation and will be up a full piece.
Andrey is also showing you how to avoid the Elephant trap. Chess opening traps and tricks are very popular among beginners and there is a very large amount of material that falls into this category. In the upcoming videos we will cover various chess opening tricks, traps, tips, strategies, ideas that you can use to win more games.
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