The Sicilian Defense after 2…e6 | Introduction – Part 3, Strategies, Plans & Ideas | Chess Openings
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The Sicilian Defense is recognized as the most aggressive and best-scoring response of black to white’s first move 1.e4. It is a very complex and sharp opening with many distinct variations, each of which leads to different types of positions. In the upcoming videos, we are going to be talking about some of the major Sicilian’s because the Sicilian Defense isn’t just one opening, it is more like a group of openings. It is definitely one worth to know a little bit about it from both, the white and the black side.
Check out the first two parts:
The Sicilian Defense | Introduction - Part 1, Strategies, Plans & Ideas after 2…d6 | Chess Openings
The Sicilian Defense | Introduction - Part 2, Strategies, Plans & Ideas after 2…Nc6 | Chess Openings
In the third video of our coverage on the Sicilian Defense, IM Alex Astaneh is going to be examining the position after the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6. Black’s pawn move 2…e6 is a reasonable move, because in some situations he threatens to play the d5-pawn push in the center. White has different options to react on black’s move but the most principled way of playing is with 3.d4, grabbing space in the center. The focus of the video is on the main strategies and plans for both sides in the different variations.
In this video we will only cover the open Sicilian’s after black’s second move 2…e6.
The main variations covered in the video are:
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3
1:48 – Sicilian Defense: Pin Variation 5…Bb4
3:55 – Sicilian Defense: Four Knights Variation 5…Nc6
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4
6:42 – Sicilian Defense: Kan Variation 4…a6
9:25 – Sicilian Defense: Paulsen Variation 4…Nc6
This concludes our three-part introductory series on the Sicilian Defense with the focus being on the open Sicilian. We hope that you enjoyed the videos. In the future, we going to be uploading more in-depth videos for the different variations of the Sicilian Defense.
📘 The pgn to this video can be downloaded on our website!
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