The Halloween Gambit | Four Knights Game | Chess Openings | Gambits | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy brings to you the Halloween Gambit, which arises out of the Four Knights Game. It starts with the moves:
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nxe5
After 4.Nxe5, white offers a knight for a pawn with the aim to seize the center with pawns and to drive back black's knights. If black isn't well prepared for that tricky gambit, the Halloween Gambit can be an interesting opening choice for white to aggressively challenge black.
[Event "Halloween_Gambit"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2019"]
[Annotator "Andrey_Ostrovskiy"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5 Nxe5 5. d4 Nc6 (5... Ng6 6. e5 Ng8 7. Bc4
d5 8. Bxd5 c6 9. Bb3 Bb4 (9... Be6!? 10. O-O Qd7 11. Ne4 O-O-O 12. c3 Be7 13.
Qe2 h5 {[%cal Gg8h6]}) 10. O-O Bxc3 11. bxc3 N8e7) 6. d5 Ne5 7. f4 Ng6 8. e5 Ng8
9. d6 cxd6 10. exd6 Qa5 (10... Qb6 11. Nb5 Kd8 12. Qf3 Bxd6 13. Be3 Bc5 14. Bxc5
Qxc5 15. O-O-O Nh6 16. Nd6 Kc7 17. Bc4 Nf5 18. Nxf5 Qxf5 19. Rd4 d6 20. Rhd1 Bd7
21. g4 Qxg4 22. Qd5 Rad8 23. Qxd6+ Kc8 24. Bxf7 Qf3 25. Rc4+ Bc6 26. Be6+ Rd7
27. Bxd7+) 11. Be3 Qb4 12. Qe2 Qxd6 13. Nb5 Qc6 14. O-O-O Be7 15. f5 Nh4 16. Qf2 b6 17. Bf4 Nxf5 18. Nc7+ Kf8 19. Bb5 Qb7 20. Rhe1 *
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