Chess Stream #54 Live Lesson with YayBjorn. The Jobava- London System
Simon Williams (GingerGM)OpeningJobava londonLESSON STARTS AROUND 15:15
Buy the Jobava-London System here -
In this video from a live stream I do a lesson with Norwegian player Yaybjorn, rated around 1400 elo.
We take a look at a game that Bjorn played in the Jobava-London System. Researching one particular line in quite some depth!
This was a live stream, bear that in mind when watching!
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20:51Learn the Jobava London System Opening with ...d5 in five simple stages. Part One.Learn the Jobava London System Opening with ...d5 in five simple stages. Part One.Simon Williams (GingerGM)intermediate11:10WIN IN 3 MOVES: The Jobava London SystemWIN IN 3 MOVES: The Jobava London SystemIgor Smirnov (Remote Chess Academy)intermediate78:43Basics of Jobava London (1.d4 2.Nc3 3.Bf4) with Daniel NaroditskyBasics of Jobava London (1.d4 2.Nc3 3.Bf4) with Daniel NaroditskyDaniel Naroditsky (ChessBase India)intermediate23:24Introduction to the Jobava London SystemIntroduction to the Jobava London SystemStjepan Tomic (Hanging Pawns)intermediate22:44Learn the Jobava London System Opening with ...g6 in five simple stages. Part Two.Learn the Jobava London System Opening with ...g6 in five simple stages. Part Two.Simon Williams (GingerGM)intermediate54:407 MUST KNOW Attacking Patterns | Jobava London7 MUST KNOW Attacking Patterns | Jobava LondonIM Alex Banzeaintermediate40:15Longer Chess Games #49 The Jobava London System - What to do against an early ...Bf5Longer Chess Games #49 The Jobava London System - What to do against an early ...Bf5Simon Williams (GingerGM)intermediate31:18Jobava London System against the Nf6, d5, g6 setupJobava London System against the Nf6, d5, g6 setupStjepan Tomic (Hanging Pawns)intermediate30:05Jobava London System main line (d5, Nf6, c5 for black)Jobava London System main line (d5, Nf6, c5 for black)Stjepan Tomic (Hanging Pawns)intermediate