Mortimer Trap | Berlin Defense in the Ruy Lopez | Opening Tricks and Traps to Win Fast
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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is sharing with you one of the less popular, but still very important opening trap in the Berlin Defense of the Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Opening. The opening trap is known as the Mortimer Trap and arises out of the Berlin Defense in the Ruy Lopez after the following moves:
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6
Here, we have the typical Berlin Defense on the board. White’s most common move is to castle kingside with 4.0-0. However, if you see the rare move of 4.d3, also known as the “Anti-Berlin” system, which is logical and protecting the pawn on e4, then you can set the Mortimer trap with the move 4…Ne7. This move looks like a blunder because black’s pawn on e5 is hanging, but after 5.Nxe5, white has fallen for the trap and will end up losing material. Chess opening traps and tricks are very popular among beginners and there is a very large amount of material that falls into this category. In the upcoming videos we will cover various chess opening tricks, traps, tips, strategies, ideas that you can use to win more games and to fool your opponents.
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