Chess Opening: London System vs King's Indian Defense
💡 Study the complete course "London System" by IM Milovan Ratkovic. Get 50% OFF (valid only till 3 October) -
What to do after Black plays 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6, playing the King’s Indian Defense or the Grunfeld setup? Learn to crush the King’s Indian Defense (KID) setup. Forget the boring idea of building a ‘space advantage’ on the queenside (while Black mates you!). Instead, use the deadly opposite castling attack for easy wins!
🤔 Why this course? 👇
To know an opening is good… To learn a trap might be useful… But to master a system is so much better! A system is something more powerful and widely applicable than an opening. The London System is one of the most famous systems in chess!
The London System is a dangerous, yet easy-to-learn opening for White that you can learn in a couple hours and play for the rest of your career. In fact, giants like Vladimir Kramnik and Magnus Carlsen adopted it to avoid the dangerous computer prep of guys like Fabiano Caruana and Hikaru Naka!
🤔 What can you learn from the course? 👇
In over 10 hours of premium video training with 24 chapters, IM Ratkovic gives you a guided tour of this easy-to-learn system for dominating the opening as White. Simply play 1.d4 and 2.Bf4 and then no matter what Black does, apply IM Ratkovic’s strategic blueprint to enjoy a solid enough edge to handle any strength of the opponent.
💡 Study the complete course "London System" by IM Milovan Ratkovic. Get 50% OFF (valid only till 3 October) -