The Golden Opening and Endgame Rules | Chess Principles | Improver Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is teaching to you the golden opening and endgame rules that every chess player needs to know.
0:20 Opening Principles: The main principles that should be followed in the opening are:
- Quick development, control over the center (control the center, not occupying the centre) and quick castling to make the king safe (king safety). In the example games, you learned what can happen if one side follows these principles and the other side violates them.
- Be aware of the weakness of the f7-square in the opening (the vulnerability of blacks pawns).
- If one side violates the opening principles the game may be finished already in the opening quite quickly.
- Don’t attack the queen too early in the opening because it can be an object of attack.
16:10 Endgame Principles: The main principles that should be followed in the endgame are:
- Weak pawns like pawn islands can be good targets for the bishops and the bishop pair. Pawn weaknesses in the endgame are already a good factor that helps to understand who is better. Because if in the opening stage or the middlegame stage a weak pawn is a bad thing but you have a chance to compensate this weakness with the active play, in the endgame stage you simply have less resources to create counter play which means that every weakness counts.
- The most important principles in the endgame stage: Weaknesses are very important so in the endgame stage every single weakness has much more importance than in any other stage of the game, because having less pieces it is simply not easy to compensate such a weakness. Therefore, don’t create weaknesses if you are not forced to.
- Another principle is the safety of the king. In the endgame stage, you have to centralize your king (active king), because it is highly unlikely that you will be checkmated, so that the king can play the active role. Sometimes it is very important to consider your opponent’s remaining resources and you have to evaluate if they can be a threat to the king.
- Create passed pawns. Passed pawns are very important pawns, they are more important than other types of pawns.
- You have to push pawns on the side where you are better e.g. where you have a pawn majority, because there you have the potential to create a passed pawn.
Knowing these principles will help you to master the opening and endgame stages.
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