The Power of the Passed Pawn in Chess | Endgame Lesson | Beginner Level | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
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Many chess players underestimate the meaning of the endgame and think that it is more important to be good in the opening and middlegame stage. However, many chess games rarely end in the opening or middlegame phase, which is why a basic understanding of king and pawn endgames is very important. In this series, you will learn basic principles and techniques in the endgame, in particular in king and pawn endgames.
In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy you will show you strategies how to play with different kind of passed pawns.
What is a passed pawn („Passer“)? A passed pawn is a pawn, which has no opponent’s pawns on his way, neither on the same file nor on the adjacent files.
What is so special about passed pawns?
We know that the pawn that reaches the back rank promotes to another piece, usually to a queen. That means that the side which manages to promote the own pawn usually achieves the decisive material advantage. That is why it is so important to promote the pawn.
Advanced passed pawns which are connected (also called: connected passed pawns) and reach the 6th rank simply beat the rook. It does not really matter if the king can support these pawns to get promoted. The only condition is that the opponent’s king is far away from the area where these pawns are placed.
How to neutralize or stop a passed pawn?
The best way and the best possible defense is of course to capture the passed pawn or just to grab this pawn, but sometimes it is not possible. In other cases, the most solid defence is actually to blockade the passed pawn, which means just to put a piece in front of it. The blockade is a quite solid method in the sense of stopping the pawn. It is also important to blockade the passed pawn as soon as possible.
The rook should be placed behind the pawn:
Another important principle regarding passed pawns is to put the rook behind the passed pawn. It does not matter if it is your pawn or your opponent’s pawn. This principle is valid for both cases. This method against the pawn promotion is shown in the video.
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