Learn the Lucena Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames | Beginner Level | GM Alex Ipatov
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Rook endgames are one of the most common and probably the most complex of all endings. There are a huge amount of theoretical positions and patterns, which makes it difficult for most of the chess players to remember all of them. However, some of these key positions occur very often in real games and if you know how to play or what plan to apply, you will increase your chances to win the game. Key positions like the Philidor, the Lucena or the Vancura positions should be studied, understood and even memorized, as sometimes you only need to know the technique in order to win or save the game. In this video, GM Alex Ipatov is covering a the fundamental Lucena position.
- The method you need to know is „Building the Bridge“. The rook and the king together create the bridge so that the pawn can be promoted.
- The idea of the Lucena position is to build a bridge on the 4th rank and to cut-off the opponent’s king on one more file, to have two files between the pawn and the opponent’s king (that the distance between the opponent’s king and the pawn are two files). The rook in combination with the king build the bridge so that the checks against the king by the opponent’s rooks can be defended by moving the rook between them and to promote the pawn afterwards.
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