Fishing Pole Trap | Opening Trap in the Ruy Lopez | Chess Opening Tricks and Traps to Win Fast
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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is sharing with you one of the most common traps for white to fall for, the so-called Fishing Pole Trap in the Berlin Defense of the Ruy Lopez, which is also known as the Spanish opening. Many beginners and club players have fallen for this trap. If white is not careful and accepts the sacrifice, the game will be lost quite fast for him because black can checkmate white’s king in a few moves.
This opening trick can also be used against many openings when the position allows it. The idea is to open up the h-file in order to get access to h7/h2 by the means of sacrificing the minor piece of g4/g5.
Generally, the Fishing Pole Trap arises out of the Berlin Defense in the Ruy Lopez when white responds with castling kingside, 4.0-0, the most common mainline move. Black has an interesting move here with 4…Ng4. Usually, White’s most logical play is to kick the knight away with 5.h3, gaining a tempo by attacking the knight and forcing the black knight to move back. However, here black instead will play the pawn move 5…h5, supporting the knight and setting-up the trap. If white accepts the knight sacrifice and does capture the knight on g4 the game will be lost very fast. Black can recapture with his h-pawn on g4, then bring his queen to h4 and there is nothing that white can do. The game will end up very bad for white.
Chess opening traps and tricks are very popular among beginners and there is a very large amount of material that falls into this category. In the upcoming videos we will cover various chess opening tricks, traps, tips, strategies, ideas that you can use to win more games and to fool your opponents.
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